Baden-Powell Service Association →Outdoor Service Guides
May 24, 2021-BPSA/OSG National Headquarters

Today, we are thrilled to announce that our new name will be: Outdoor Service Guides The original decision to remove Baden-Powell from our name was not taken lightly and came not only from one meeting but years of self-examination. This new name also comes after much deliberation. The ReNaming Committee did a tremendous job, spending several months weighing input and suggestions, evaluating and developing possibilities, and presenting their process and findings. All current National and Regional staff and committee members as well as many other GSMs and Rovers shared great insights and truly listened to each other as we carefully weighed the options and came to an agreement. 

Just a few of the things that are exciting about our new name:
● Clear focus: Outdoors, Service
● Simple, dignified, professional
● “Guides” reaches out to our history as well as the current community of the worldwide scouting movement. Guides began as the name for “scouting” for girls.
● “Guides” reaches out to our future. It is not widely known in the US to refer to scouting, so it’s ours to develop and define.

The process of fully shifting into our new name will require many hands and will not be quickly completed. We know that scouts are not afraid of hard work, and the Rovers of the OSG - all of us, together - have the skills and determination to make it happen.

Yours in Scouting,
National Staff, Outdoor Service Guides

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
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